Employee Details

Congrats on landing a new role!

The business that you are about to start working for uses iKeep to manage it’s payroll processing. Before you get started with completing your details in the fields below, please download and complete a:

You will need to upload (or take a picture) of these when completing your details.

Did you know…

By working for a business that uses iKeep to process your payroll, you will have the following benefits:

  1. Employee Portal. You will receive login details to our Employee Portal to be able to access all of your payslips and view your personal details.
  2. Experienced Payroll Team. With our team of experienced payroll professionals, you can be sure that you are always paid the right amount.

Need a hand?

If you are having trouble with completing the form above, you can reach out to one of our team on the link below for a call back.

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